

Bem-vindo, Momo! Nós somos os círculos em vermelho...

Is this a Mardi Gras celebration? In any event, Happy Mardi Gras!
No Gray, this is the one and only Carnaval, and despite the resemblance, is no way like Mardi Gras.
In Brazil the year is divided in BC and AC: Before Canaval and After Carnaval.
Few people indeed says that the year only begins after Carnaval. The thing is sometimes is early in february, but sometimes is early in march, and nothing much happens before that.
There is a tradicional "war-song" sung only during the Carnaval:
If you do that here in Brasil people will know that you're in the mood for Carnaval

Eskindô for you, Gary
Have fun
I stand corrected. Eskindô for you, Vila Gaucha!! I am wishing very badly that I could visit Brazil.
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