

Eduardo Nasi says (15:00):
olha, tua fama de difusor de boas músicas se espalha.

Eduardo Nasi says (15:00):
o emiliano quer receber as músicas das quintas pelo

p says (15:10):
incluí, mas to quase parando com as musiquinhas

Eduardo Nasi says (15:10):

p says (15:10):
pq por duas semanas eu quase esqueci de mandar

p says (15:11):
isso quer dizer alguma coisa né?

Eduardo Nasi says (15:11):
tu tá ficando velho

p says (15:11):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:12):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:12):

p says (15:12):

p says (15:12):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:12):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:15):
ok, idoso

Eduardo Nasi says (15:15):
da melhor idade

p says (15:16):
mais 2 anos e precisarei de fraldão

p says (15:16):

p says (15:16):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:17):
bengala ao menos já tem

p says (15:17):
de fraldão?

Eduardo Nasi says (15:17):
deve ser prático

Eduardo Nasi says (15:17):
tu tá lá, vendo tela quente...

p says (15:17):
o fraldão

p says (15:17):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:17):
e dá mijadeira no meio

p says (15:17):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:17):
com fraldão, fica tudo bem

Eduardo Nasi says (15:17):
mesmo com diarréia...

p says (15:17):

p says (15:17):

p says (15:17):

p says (15:18):

p says (15:18):

p says (15:18):
vou comprar fraldões geriátricos

Eduardo Nasi says (15:18):
vou adotar tb

Eduardo Nasi says (15:18):
melhora a vida

p says (15:18):
orimiza o tempo

Eduardo Nasi says (15:18):
e com a evolução das fraldas...

p says (15:18):

Eduardo Nasi says (15:18):
meu, a tecnologia de hj faz um ob absorver mais que uma toalha

Eduardo Nasi says (15:19):
imagina um fraldão

Eduardo Nasi says (15:19):
pode trocar uma vez por semana

p says (15:19):
onde irá parar aquela merda toda, nasieer?

p says (15:19):
xixi normal

p says (15:19):

p says (15:20):
mas e o cocô, por deus?

p says (15:20):
acho melhor trocar uma vez a cada 3 dias

p says (15:20):
por uma questão de higiene

p says (15:20):
vamos ter que usar calça cargo né

Eduardo Nasi says (15:22):
tá na moda

Eduardo Nasi says (15:22):
não dá nada

Nasi, I'm going to have to wait for Google to translate. Cheers!
Gary, I'll help you
In this post Nasi and The Jeca are chating about what they'll do when they run out of their bladder control,like how often they'll change their diaper (Nasi said once a week, but the jeca thinks that 3 times in a week is ok) and stuff like that
Ricardo, thanks. You know, that's what I read in the Google translation, and I thought--"this has to be wrong, they can't be talking about what I think they're talking about." But I guess they were talking about that. Why would young guys like Nasi and Paulinho be concerned about that? Those are the types of things an old guy like me worries about!!

BTW, when are you going to update "What Them Sound You?"

Happy President's Day! (That's an American holiday celebrated today.)

if you meet mr. bush, please congratulate him for me.


I'll be sure to do that, Nasi. I'll ask him if he reads your blogs. Maybe the three of us could get together for lunch some day.
But we'll be sure to mention you, Paulinho. They say President Bush is a fan of The Jeca!
sure he is.
BTW, President Bush speaks fluent Spanish. I don't know if he knows Portuguese or Etruscan. Maybe he knows Esperanto, but again, I can't say for sure.
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